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Providing Springboro With Quality Dental Care for 30+ Years

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Dental Care in Springboro

If you are looking to maintain the health of your teeth and gums, then you owe it to yourself to reach out to our experienced oral care experts at Springboro Dental Center! Our seasoned professionals at Springboro Dental Center feature over four decades of experience providing a wide range of services, such as restorative and cosmetic dentistry, and are always happy to meet with new patients. When you visit our treatment center, you can rest easy knowing that our family-friendly oral care experts have your best interest in mind at all times and will always provide you with the best possible care. To schedule a free consultation with our caring staff, please call 937-748-0940!

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The Best in Comfort & Care

Our professionals at Springboro Dental Center are sensitive to any apprehension and concern you may have regarding your oral health. We make it our priority to provide you with the most comfortable visit possible. When you arrive for your appointment you will be given top-quality customer care and in-room entertainment while you await your treatment. You will find that the environment at our office is nurturing and relaxing and that we will do our absolute best to give you the peace of mind and gentle care you deserve.

family of three playing

We Proudly Feature

Unlike like other dental practices in the area, we proudly feature:

  • Free consultations
  • In-room entertainment
  • Personalized, gentle care
  • Friendly and helpful office staff
  • Various insurance & financing options

Ready to schedule your initial appointment with our Springboro dentists? Reach out to our office at your earliest convenience by calling 937-748-0940!

Call Us Today to Schedule Exceptional Dental Care


335 N Main St, Suite 1
Springboro, OH 45066



Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 2:00 PM

Springboro Dental Center, North Main Street, Springboro, OH, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Springboro Dental Center accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.
Elite Total Care Plan

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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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